What are your CloudLinux resource LVE limits?

HostXNow allows much higher resources to be used on their hosting plans, as can be seen below. You can confirm this by checking in cPanel – Metrics – CPU and Concurrent Connection Usage


Cheap Web Hosting


Memory (RAM): 512MB
CPU cores: 1
Total Processes: 100
Entry Processes: 20
Disk IO: 10 MB/s
IOPS: 1024
Number of inode limits: 100,000


Memory (RAM): 512MB
CPU cores: 1
Total Processes: 100
Entry Processes: 20
Disk IO: 20 MB/s
IOPS: 1024
Number of inode limits: 100,000


Memory (RAM): 512MB
CPU cores: 1
Total Processes: 100
Entry Processes: 20
Disk IO: 30 MB/s
IOPS: 1024
Number of inode limits: 100,000

Shared Web Hosting


Memory (RAM): 2GB
CPU cores: 1
Total Processes: 100
Entry Processes: 20
Disk IO: 50 MB/s
IOPS: 1024
Number of inode limits: 250,000


Memory (RAM): 2GB
CPU cores: 1
Total Processes: 100
Entry Processes: 20
Disk IO: 50 MB/s
IOPS: 1024
Number of inode limits: 250,000


Memory (RAM): 2GB
CPU cores: 2
Total Processes: 100
Entry Processes: 30
Disk IO: 50 MB/s
IOPS: 1024
Number of inode limits: 250,000

Semi Dedicated Hosting


Memory (RAM): 4GB
CPU cores: 4
Total Processes: 100
Entry Processes: 40
Disk IO: 100 MB/s
IOPS: 2048
Number of inode limits: 500,000


Memory (RAM): 6GB
CPU cores: 6
Total Processes: 150
Entry Processes: 60
Disk IO: 150 MB/s
IOPS: 3072
Number of inode limits: 1,000,000


Memory (RAM): 8GB
CPU cores: 8
Total Processes: 200
Entry Processes: 80
Disk IO: 200 MB/s
IOPS: 4096
Number of inode limits: 1,500,000


Memory (RAM): 12GB
CPU cores: 8
Total Processes: 250
Entry Processes: 100
Disk IO: 250 MB/s
IOPS: 5120
Number of inode limits: 2,000,000

Enterprise Reseller Hosting


Memory (RAM): 1GB
CPU cores: 1
Total Processes: 100
Entry Processes: 20
Disk IO: 50 MB/s
IOPS: 1024
Number of inode limits: 250,000


Memory (RAM): 2GB
CPU cores: 1
Total Processes: 100
Entry Processes: 20
Disk IO: 50 MB/s
IOPS: 1024
Number of inode limits: 500,000


Memory (RAM): 4GB
CPU cores: 2
Total Processes: 150
Entry Processes: 60
Disk IO: 50 MB/s
IOPS: 1024
Number of inode limits: 1,000,000


Memory (RAM): 6GB
CPU cores: 3
Total Processes: 200
Entry Processes: 80
Disk IO: 50 MB/s
IOPS: 1024
Number of inode limits: 1,500,000


Memory (RAM): 8GB
CPU cores: 4
Total Processes: 250
Entry Processes: 100
Disk IO: 50 MB/s
IOPS: 1024
Number of inode limits: 2,000,000

Elastic Reseller Hosting


Memory (RAM): 4GB
CPU cores: 4
Total Processes: 250
Entry Processes: 100
Disk IO: 200 MB/s
IOPS: 6144
Number of inode limits: 1,500,000


Memory (RAM): 8GB
CPU cores: 8
Total Processes: 500
Entry Processes: 200
Disk IO: 200 MB/s
IOPS: 6144
Number of inode limits: 2,000,000


Memory (RAM): 12GB
CPU cores: 12
Total Processes: 750
Entry Processes: 400
Disk IO: 200 MB/s
IOPS: 6144
Number of inode limits: 2,500,000


Q: What is the difference between Enterprise Reseller Hosting and Elastic Reseller Hosting?

A: Enterprise Reseller Hosting is available in our London - UK and Germany - Europe locations.

Elastic Reseller Hosting is available in our London - UK and Germany - EU locations.

Unlike our Enterprise Reseller Hosting, with our Elastic Reseller Hosting, you can pay-as-you-go by quickly adding additional accounts, storage or bandwidth without upgrading to the next plan. Also, the LVE limits are shared between all subaccounts under the Reseller account, which allows you to set your own LVE limits for your clients and view stats at a glance for all accounts, helping you identify which subaccounts are using the most resources and may require an upgrade.

Cloud Web Hosting


Memory (RAM): 1GB
CPU cores: 1
Total Processes: 100
Entry Processes: 20
Disk IO: 10 MB/s
IOPS: 1024
Number of inode limits: 250,000


Memory (RAM): 1GB
CPU cores: 1
Total Processes: 100
Entry Processes: 20
Disk IO: 30 MB/s
IOPS: 1024
Number of inode limits: 250,000


Memory (RAM): 1GB
CPU cores: 1
Total Processes: 100
Entry Processes: 20
Disk IO: 50 MB/s
IOPS: 1024
Number of inode limits: 250,000

These are some reasons why our hosting plans are much faster than our competitors.

  • 43 Users Found This Useful
  • lve, lve limits
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